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Vonda Stanley's collection of  

Early Australian bush poems

Last updated January 2014  (poems marked * contain brief notes about the poet.)

go to my collections of:-

     Women Bush Poets

                              Old Australian Ballads

                                                           A.B. (Banjo) Paterson  &  Henry Lawson                 

                                                                                             Lola's Poems & Ballads of Australian Bushrangers

Hal Gye

(also known as James Hackston

Our Corrugated Iron Tank

Mrs Polkinghorne

Edward Harrington

The Bushrangers

There's Only the Two of us Here






 Dorothea Mackeller

1885 (Sydney)-1968

Wrote My Country at 19 years of age

My Country *

The Colours of Light

Louis Esson

b. 1979 -1943

*About Louis Esson*

The Old Black Billy and Me

The Shearers Wife



G E Evans, 

1863 (London) - 1909 (Toowoomba)

*About GE Evans*

An Australian Symphony

On the Plains

The Women of the Wes


Henry Kendall, 

1839, (Kirmington, NSW) -1882 of TB.


*About Henry Kendall*

Bell Birds


September in Australia

Song of the Cattle Hunters

The Barcoo   

The Last of his Tribe

The River and the Hill 


Adam Lindsay Gordon

b. 1833 (Azores)-1870 (Brighton. Vic)

* About A L Gordon*  

Finis Exoptatus

A Dedication

By Wood and Wold

The Sick Stockrider


John O'Brien (1878-1952)

*About John O'Brien*

Around the Boree Log

Could I Hear the Kookaburras Once Again

Said Hanrahan

The Altar Boy

The Kookaburras

The Little Irish Mother

The Meeting

The Old Bush School

The Old Mass Shandrydan

The Presbyt'ry Dog

The Six Brown Boxer Hats

Tumba Bloody Rumba



Vance Palmer

b. 1885 (Bundaberg) -1959 (Melbourne)

The Farmer Remembers the Somme

Song of the Old Boundary Rider 





John Sandes

The Children of the Mist

The Old Pioneers   




C J Dennis

7. 9.1876 (Auburn S.A.) - 21. 6.1938

Editor of the satirical magazine "Gadfly" Later contributor on staff of Melbourne Herald.

*About C J Denis*

A  Letter to the Front

Going to School

The Swagman

When The Sun's Behind The Hill


Leon Gellert


Had war experience on the Western Front.

Anzac Cove

Jester in the Trench


The Husband  







Tasmanian Aborigine's Lament




Laurence Binyon

For the Fallen

"They shall grow not old
as we that are left grow old"



Will. H. Ogilvie,

21.8.1869 (Scotland) -1963


From the Gulf

My Hat   New

The Australian

The Bush My Lover

The Last Muster

The Filling of the Swamps


Harry Morant ('the breaker')   

1865 - 1902

The Austral 'Light'   New

Kitty's Broom   New   

When Stock Go By  New


Miscellaneous  (* indicates birth dates)


The Old Bark Hut........New........................................................................Anon


From Black Thursday. ...........................................Mitchell Kilgour Beveridge

   Love of the bush

Summer ...................................................................................... Louis Lavater*

Australia ........................*About Bernard O'Dowd*................ Bernard O'Dowd*

A Ballade of Wattle Blossom ..................................................... R. Richardson

The Magpies Song ............................................................. Frank S. Williamson

   Droving or Outback

Where the Dead Men Lie.........*About Barcroft Boake*.....Barcroft H. Boake*

On Ninety Mile Beach..............................................................Peter Hopegood

Gundagai (The dog sat on the tuckerbox)......................................Jack Moses*

The Little Worn Out Pony ..........................................................................anon

The Phantom Mob...................................................W M Flemming  'The Page'

That Day at Boiling Downs...........................................................Jack Mathieu

Tell Summer that I Died.......New .............(about Shaw Neilson)....Shaw Neilson


Cleaning Up..........................*About Edward Dyson*...................Edward Dyson*

The Smiths.......................E G Murphy* (aka Edwin Greenslade or Dryblower)


A Rain Song .............................................................................. E. S. Emmerson

At Last .................................................................................... Maurice O'Reilly


The Red Road................................................................................John K Ewers

Pioneers ....................................................................................... Frank Hudson

The Dreamers.........New............................................................Sydney Jephcott


          Glencoe ..........New....................................................................Douglas Stewart

          New Guinea Campaign........New........................................................Ian Mudie


Henry Lawson............................................................................R Guy Howarth


How McDougal Topped the Score......New.........................Thomas E Spencer

Daley's Dorg Wattle......................................................................W T Goodge*

A Snake Yarn ................................................................................W T Goodge

'Ough' A Fonetic Fansy..................................................................W T Goodge

Mickety Mulga...................................................................................T Ranken

The Big White Bullock.......................................................................T Ranken



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